
Classic Cars like any other passion is all about having fun, enjoying the moment, meeting new people, learning new things  and creating joy.

Hello!, Classic Car lovers. Thank you for checking out the site. James here, I started the site to further promote and introduce classic cars as art.

Classic cars shows unique beauty that is to be admired, is appealing, reflective and can provoke feelings.

The combination of Classic Cars structural design, the colors, the feel, the sound, the story that classic cars tells is what truly makes Classic Cars art.

Sir James.

Depart of Motor Vehicle

The other DMV, Depart of Motor Vehicle, defines classic cars as any Car that is older that 20 years old.


  • To promote and introduce classic cars as art.


  • The Future of classic cars is both preservation and integration of classic technology with new technology. To explore the impact classic cars in society by bringing people together.


  • Having Fun, Enjoying The Moment

  • Meeting New People, Learning

  • Create Joy